25 July 2007

What Knitting Teaches Me About God

When I knit a sweater, it takes a while to do it. I can spend up to a month knitting a sweater(most of the time it takes me anywhere between two to three weeks to finish a sweater). It takes a lot of patience and time to make this sweater. If I make a mistake while making it I have to go back and correct that mistake or sometimes take it all apart and start from the beginning (I hate when that happens!!). Sometimes I stick to the pattern of the sweater and sometimes I just do my own thing. No matter what knitting project you do there is a process involved in it.
So what does knitting teach me about God? God takes his time in changing us. Sometimes we change quickly and sometimes it takes a while for God to change us. If we mess up God has to back us up and fix it or take us all apart and start all over again. Sometimes God has a set plan for our lives and sometimes He takes us on a path we didn't expect to go. No matter what happens God always works out everything for good (that is not always so with the sweaters I make!) ~And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them. Romans 8:28 NLT~


Janet G. said...

I love this analogy! So true...

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.